The hospitality industry has many valuable roles with a key one being bringing people together. As we begin our comeback after a one-year pause, it has reminded all of us about the importance of people being together so we can collaborate and solve challenges (i.e., testing, vaccine rollout, food distribution). Business happens in person and being together enables a group of individuals to get focused, develop plans and take the actions necessary to ensure success.
There are many talented people in the meeting and event planning industry who are experienced planners, strategist, negotiators, and networkers. These individuals specialize in bringing groups of people together to accomplish great outcomes for organizations representing important causes, social gatherings and corporations that support our lives and economy. Their expertise will be on full display in the upcoming months as we demonstrate how to safely bring people back together.
Perhaps others outside of our industry could learn from the many talented individuals in our industry on how to work together to tackle large challenges and see them through to a successful completion. I want to thank all those who have shared their expertise and time to help many great causes over the past year.
So, what is our role? We need to continue promoting our great industry by demonstrating how to safely bring people together and setting the standard for others to follow. I am proud to be a part of this industry that sets an outstanding example of how to overcome challenges and achieve success. I hope you are too!