This recent Fourth of July holiday reminded me of the decision I made over 12 years ago to change the course of my hospitality industry career. I made the choice to change my lifestyle so I could spend less time traveling and more time with the people who are most important to me, my wife and two daughters.

At the time, my daughters were in elementary school and I was unable to balance work with family time versus stressing over the demands of a boss or whether or not I could take an afternoon off to watch a game or join on a field trip with my kids. For the past 12 years, I’ve had no such issues and built my life around making a good living and providing an ever-improving life for my family. It has made my life better by being present in their lives for every important and mundane event..
While many people have suggested that my career change increased my risk as I am no longer an employee with a steady paycheck, I have found it to be a tremendous gift with a better lifestyle personally, professionally and financially. Financial stability aside (and that’s no small thing), the most important benefit of becoming an entrepreneur and independent business owner is the ability to build wealth. The author, Chuck Blakeman, defines wealth as – ‘the freedom and ability to choose what to do with your time and money’.
There is no greater return on investment than that which I receive from spending time with my family, friends and being able to give back to those who have helped me. Therefore, I have decided to offer others the information needed to make a similar change in their lives by building a successful business. There are many choices in life, and I want to help you make the right ones for so you can make the best use of your time and money.
I hope you will reach out to me and take me up on the offer to help you enjoy your wealth.