Our Annual Partner Meeting is recognized as one of the best in the meetings and events industry for collaboration. We will be getting together with over 200 of our co-workers and 600 industry partners. There will be networking, educational sessions, learning more about potential destinations, hotels and service partners, and recognition for achievements in 2023. When our busy week is over, we will be in a better place to assist our clients and industry partners. As we work to make it easy to find our team, we have created a Team Baarman website. If you want to engage with one of our amazing team members, you can find us in the following:
We have also enhanced our presence on social media which gives us the opportunity to show all the destinations and hotels our clients are using and considering for future events.
If you want to connect with me, you can find me at any one of the following:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dougbaarman/
Blog: https://meetingplannerplaybook.com/
Email: doug.baarman@conferencedirect.com
Hope to see many of you in Texas!