Hospitality Industry Professionals: What’s Holding You Back?

career-479578_1280FEAR is the #1 excuse that holds hospitality industry professionals back from making a change that will impact them personally, professionally and financially. Fear is why most believe it is ‘safer’ to be an employee than being an entrepreneur / independent business owner.

The fear being experienced is the belief you do not have what it takes to be successful as an independent meeting planner / entrepreneur. Let’s break down the fear and address the perceived negatives that are preventing you from putting a spark in your career…and changing your life!

F = Finances

It does take an investment of time and money to launch your own business. However, the initial financial investment in a hospitality business can be much lower than other business opportunities. Your investment is the initial start-up costs, the loss of wages during the ramp-up phase and the investment for promoting your new business (sales and marketing). The ROI on these investments has the potential to far exceed your earnings as an employee.

E = Experience

You have a wealth of knowledge, experience and expertise that will benefit the customers that you work with. It is important to pursue an opportunity that enables you to put your years of experience and expertise to work for your business.

A = Attitude (passion)

When you choose the right business opportunity, your passion for what you are doing will drive your attitude. When you truly enjoy what you are doing, your customers and partners will benefit and your business will grow. It is critical that you pursue a business opportunity that ignites your passion.

R = Right Idea

We all had the idea for Facebook, Uber or Airbnb…someone just beat us to it. The right idea is taking your experience, expertise and passion and putting it to use for you.

It takes courage to make the leap from employee to independent professional. I encourage you to seek out an option that offers the tools and resources that will guide and support you on a successful journey.

Is it time for you to consider being an entrepreneur in the hospitality industry?


Author: Doug Baarman

Date: August 8, 2016

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